Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rose Colored Glasses

ONE DAY, I'm gonna look back at all of this and say...

Remember that one time I dropped psych like a bad habit then didn't go to Spain to teach English because I was too busy selling paintings in the Plaza and eating hare krishna (HELLO! Spaghetti Wednesday!) then moved to NY and went to fashion school and didn't sleep, didn't eat, practically lived at school but in real life lived in JERSEY! and they ate all of my peanut butter and the key to the house never worked but then I found my perfect New York apartment with perfect room mates and went to New York Fashion Week a few times and snuck into a few shows and thought I'd have a heart attack because I didn't wanna get caught but Leah made me.. (I just HATE getting in trouble the thought makes me nervous)

Then we all graduated and started going our separate ways Courtney stayed in New York Sarah never moved in but was supposed to but decided to go back to Maryland to corporate America and Leah eventually went to Vegas (but not yet) and Eseri went home to UGANDA?! and I left too and went back to Florida, but not home.. Fort Myers, which was a lovely town and I was there for a lovely job (not my dream job but def a step towards it) but there was just too many old people and nothing to do and plus it was really, really far from church so I returned to New York and moved back in the perfect apartment and at the time Leah was still there but then she moved out and Eseri was already in Africa and that left me with a terribly mean room mate who was just a mean, mean, rude girl and she made me cry and the apartment started to fill with randoms and Frenchies and they were the sweetest but it just wasnt the same.

Oh, wait. Pause. Before I moved from New York to Florida and while I was in school I went to the Philippines and from that moment I wanted to just bring people water because it's so sad, yanno, who doesn't need water?

Hmm, where was I? Oh, yes.. So I left New York AGAIN for the summer and had to move out of that perfect apartment and did random things to make ends meet and thought I closed the chapter on cheerleading, but hey, UCA takes care of ya and it pays the bills then I went to the Philippines AGAIN to actually bring people water and I loved it and would've stayed longer if all of my friends weren't getting married and I still miss and it changed me forever and ever and I'm a better person because of it.

Then I became a real life gypsy with no home, slept on friends couches and I was in Florida for a minute then paid a visit to New York and even hung out in DC for a week because it was in the middle and I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to go but I finally came back home and twiddled my thumbs and flipped my coin app to make decisions.

But then I finally made some decisions and everything worked out because the dots always connect (eventually) and the universe conspires in helping achieve your Personal Legend and what ever other cliche quote and life lesson from a book and motivational speech and bible verse (Proverbs 16:9) that's out there that explains WHY it works outs and reminds you to not worry so dadgum much. (Just trust that it does)

ONE DAY, I'm gonna look back and tell this story and laugh hysterically because I am ridiculous and incredibly lucky blessed and it will all make sense and I'll be so grateful for it all.

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