Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Love Conquers All

Whether you're straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, asexual, WHATEVER.. NY becoming the 6th state to pass equal marriage rights all comes down to one thing: love.

And in any and all forms, it is undeniably beautiful.

Now, that's something worth celebrating.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Devil is in the Details

Design school can drive you mad if you let it. Sometimes I wish I could just give my brain a rest, for just a sec, and not pick everything apart.

You realize that every decision, every detail is intentional. Because everything is supporting a concept. It might be a restaurant, a book, a wedding - everything from the menu, the lighting; the font, the binding; the venue, the flowers - it all returns to a single focus. A concept's success lies in its clarity, whose "big picture" is carried by the execution of these details.

My senses are constantly on overload. It's exhausting.