Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hana Hou, Hana Hou!

Traveling in 2013 slowed down a little bit, destinations limited to where friends were getting married. One of our friends' wedding spurned my big trip for the year, and JP and I's first big trip ever, starting in Southern California, ringing in the New Year in Las Vegas, and ending in Honolulu.

I have always loved traveling, and I have done a lot of gypsying on my own. It's liberating, self-assuring; it puts you in new, sometimes uncomfortable situations, teaching you so much about yourself. I love it. But as much as I enjoy my solo adventures, there is nothing like sharing new experiences with someone else. I'm not saying that I'm done exploring on my own. I'm saying that having someone along ain't so bad either.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

When the Dust Settles

Everyone always says never to settle, but that's exactly what happened in 2013.  I have a real life, stable job, a long term lease on an apartment that is all my own, and I'm even in a steady relationship. (Crazy... All of it.)  "To settle" sounds constraining and inhibiting, but it can actually be quite liberating. Not having to wonder where to or what's next can give you the time to think about those things in the long term. When you "settle", it isn't always settling down, or settling for less. It's time when the pieces stop moving just long enough for you to figure out what the hell is going on, and what your next step should be. The time will come for me to start wandering again; this I am sure. In the interim, I will be scoping the terrain, planning, preparing, and fine tuning my skills to survive in this big ole world.

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." I am hoping that 2014 will be the luckiest year yet.

Happy New Year!