Sunday, January 29, 2012

When in Rome

Ft. Myers is beautiful, and I am thankful to be here, but I think it'd be more awesome if I were 40-45ish, married and with a family, or in my 60s and retired.

I am neither of those things, but I've decided that I'm going to pretend I'm on a super early retirement plan and that working in fashion is my day time hobby. least for as long as I'm here.

I guess I should take up golf, or tennis, or find someone with a boat?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dreamers Who Do

The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreams who do. - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Having dreams is not what makes us crazy. Taking a "non-traditional" route doesn't mean we're crazy either. Even if it does, my friend, Paul, reassures me that it's the crazy ones that become the movers and shakers. The crazies are the ones taking chances; taking risks others wouldn't. It's looking fear dead in the eyes instead of running in the opposite direction. We understand that difficult doesn't mean impossible, and that obstacles are placed not as an impediment, but as a challenge meant to be overcome.

I. Feel. Crazy.

...Crazy because sometimes I feel like my dreams are so much bigger than myself. I am one single person. Who am I to think that I can accomplish anything at all? It's not that I feel like I'm unaccomplished. I feel like every accomplishment is just a step towards realizing that bigger picture. I don't want to change the world. You don't do things thinking you can affect someone's life. That's not our responsibility, nor should it ever be our goal. Instead, we should live, not with that intention, but knowing that we have the ability to.

In my bouts of what I am now calling Beautiful Mind crazy, I become intensely focused, which is followed closely by moments of self doubt. Over the years, I've learned two things:

1. Surround yourself with people who have dreams of their own. Their drive will inspire you to make your own moves, to do more. It makes you not feel so crazy; and if you are, well, then, you both are. At least you're in good company.
Sure, I understand when people want to do things on their own. I've also learned that people are more than willing to be there for you, to help you, and to believe in you when you don't have the energy to believe in yourself. When I "make it", I want to share those moments with the people I love, which will be the very same people who helped me get there.
What's happiness if you're not sharing it.

2. Pray more. Too much worrying just means you're not trusting enough.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Full Speed Ahead


...As my boss would say.

Excited about the future.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

OMG.. Shoes.

So stinkin' funny. I absolutely had to share. Oh, and happy 2012!