Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm fine, thanks.

On beautiful days, I'd look out the window and wonder why I wasn't outside.

I don't get 9 to 5s. I feel like I can accomplish anything I need to do in less time and out of the confines of a cubicle (cringe).

How do I picture my life? I picture my "work" being incorporated directly into it rather than being isolated in 8 hour blocks, 5 days a week. Who made up the rule that life exists only after you leave the office and on the weekends? And why wait until you're 50 to retire and enjoy life? What about those 20-30 years before that?

I want to be happy all the time. And to be clear, I don't mean I don't want to work. On the contrary, my friend, but life is too short to spend most of it being miserable. I just want to enjoy what I do, and I want it my work and therefore my life to be meaningful.

Goal: Get a life. Not just a job. Thanks, Willie Jackson, for sharing.

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