Monday, October 10, 2011

Paper Lanterns

So you're all caught up. I've been patiently waiting to see what this next step is going to be. In the mean time, I certainly haven't been lounging on my couch and sitting on my hands. I get really anxious in these in between stages. I'm no good at not being busy; I'm used to going, going, going, all the time. And since I've been in limbo, between a dependent and a full fledged, self-sufficient adult, I've invested my time in, well, myself, my career, my future.

While it's not yet time for me to go into all out production, I've decided to at least dip my toe in the water. I've decided to develop a concept and create a collection. I've gathered inspiration images, swatches, bought the fabric, and right now, I'm burying myself in my dungeon and creating patterns, draping and sewing. And I hope you like the result as much as I've enjoyed going through the process.

So here's a glimpse of what's to come:

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