Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring In Your Step

It has been nearly six months since I was home last. I know for most people, that is not a very significant amount of time, but MAN, have I been homesick.

The last time I was home, I spent most of my time praying about what I should do next. New York? Not New York? Going to the chapel, having lunch with friends, making lists on lists on lists trying to figure it all out.

Well, I still don’t have it figured all out, and I probably never will. But I know it was the right decision because it was the decision I made. At a certain point, you have to stop asking for opinions, stop making lists and make a freakin’ decision and trust that it was the best one.

So far, I can’t complain. I have my apartment (in Jersey?!), a job in the city, good people around me, and an un-ending support system that will cheer me on when I need a Gatorade break.

2013, you are flyin’. But you are lookin’ pretty good.

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