Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dance Like Nobody's Watching

The weekends have become my running days, and Sundays in the Park seem to be especially lively.

There always seems to be something random going on, and this afternoon was no exception. So I let my breathing slow and walked past the congo drums, then continued toward this group of people to see what the fuss was about. As I got closer, the drumming started to fade and the whatever the DJ was spinning was getting louder. (He was playing Janet Jackson, if you were curious.)

They closed off a little part of the road and turned it into a mini roller rink. And the longer I watched, the happier it made me. It was the greatest group of randoms I've seen in a while. There was this little Asian lady with her sunglasses on, who after a couple of rounds came rollin' by with this big black guy, twice her size and dreads past his shoulders, helping her get her groove back. There was this huge guy with striped genie pants on and no shirt payin' no mind to anyone else. (It might be what Mr. T would look like if he stole MC Hammer's pants.) There were two younger gals hanging out in the center, sans roller skates, just dancing without a care. And another women who didn't have skates, just gliding her way around with the other roller skaters. Each was in their own little world, and everyone was just having a good time.

But one thing they did have in common, and what I found particularly amusing was how much swag every single one of them seemed to have. So smooth. And nobody gave a what-what.

Heeeeeeeey. Do your thhaannng.

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