Monday, August 30, 2010

Back in Session

It's the first day back in school, but I've decided that my summer isn't quite over yet. My vacation home may be over, but who said the fun has to end now?

As I was saying, I had my first couple of classes today. And my fashion history class in particular left me quite inspired. It chronicles fashion through time, of course, but also fuses art, culture, and really everything. My teacher is this sweet German woman, an artist, with the whit and wisdom that makes you wish you were that clever. So if you ever randomly see posts with "-Catherina", that's her. And I'm thinking I'll have several to share with you throughout the semester. Here are some from today:

"I want you to get rid of your latest lover: Fear. Dont let him in again."

"I could never treat you as badly as you treat yourself. " (Fear personified)

"Fashion isn't dressing someone. Fashion is dressing someone with a hidden agenda."

"This is America. You open your big mouth. Whoever says it first gets it."

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