Nearly two years ago, I took a trip out west and did a mini tour of the state of California. I began my trip in San Diego, then LA, and took a flight to San Francisco after that. I was doing some soul searching of sorts, looking at schools, and was hoping to find a place that just.. fit.
That was October of 2007. I'd fallen in love with SF, the city, the culture, but ultimately decided that if I wanted to go city, I was going to do THE city, which is what brought me to New York. San Diego was nice, but I needed a place with more energy. And LA. I really wanted to love LA, and wanted to visit with an open mind. I was hoping I'd get that feeling, the one when you just know that something's right. Sadly, no. It was as superficial and pretentious up close as it was from a distance.
Overall, I wasn't sold on southern California. Sure, it was nice, but for me? I just couldn't see it.
But this summer was a game changer.
-The food was fantastic. (They LOVE their avocado. Consequently, now so do I.) The ma and pop stores were out the wazoo. And you know how sometimes little hole in the wall places are a hit or a miss? In CA, I feel like every place we went to was delicious. Not too pricey, unlike NY. The food was fresh, and knowing that it was local made it that much tastier.
-The company was great. I visited some old friends, and met some amazing people along the way.
-And of course, great company makes for awesome adventures.
And while those things make for a memorable trip, I think the selling point was this little town, San Clemente.
San Clemente is located right on the coast, almost smack in the middle, between LA and San Diego. It is a surfer's haven. And what brought me there is nothing other than my dear, old high school friend, Pearson. We managed to remain friends despite going to different colleges. I went to UF, and he was at UCF. And while it was only 2 hours apart, who really keeps in touch with their high school friends these days, anyway? Well, besides me.
Oh, so let me brag about Pearson for a second. He was working at a surf shop called Catalyst in Orlando, where he met some guys from ...lost, who I can only imagine were absolutely smitten by him. So they snatched him up to work for them in CA and the rest is history.
What I loved about San Clemente? Let me tell you:
- I had, hands down, the best burger I have ever had.. EVER. Yes, the Shack Stack is now in second.
- The beach was close. You could see ocean from almost anywhere in the city. I am a Florida girl, after all. And my mom is convinced that I was a dolphin in another life.
- The people were super friendly. The ones I met were incredible; they had this great passion about what they did and life in general. It was refreshing; they just had a very pure outlook on life. While the surf-skate-free spirit-Bob Marley lifestyle may not be for everyone, when people can do what they love, make a career out of a passion, and on top of that, have some of the kindest souls.. Well, what's not to love about that?
It was this imaginary place, where the sun was literally always shining, and the people had a lifestyle that you forget about when you get too caught up in the hustle and bustle of your own.
It's Florida without the humidity..
With the exact opposite attitude of LA..
But still close enough to get your city fix.
It's perfect.
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