I never really understood why people loved rain so much. Sure, it's a great excuse to stay inside and have a movie marathon, or read a good book. But most of the time, it's pretty annoying. And afterwards, it makes the air heavy and sticky. And all you can smell is sizzling asphalt. Like I said, I never really understood why people loved rain so much.
Until now.
It's difficult to describe how the rain in the Philippines feels so different. It doesn't feel like an inconvenience like it does in the city. Maybe it's because it's still so undeveloped by modern society standards, largely untouched by big businesses and huge skyscrapers. You understand that it's just a part Mother Nature's course. You accept it. And appreciate it.
I totally get it now.
It's cooling. It brings in such a sweet breeze, that you can hear weaving through the trees. And the sound it makes it when it falls on those trees, and the pitter patter on the leaves of the roof; it's soothing. Like Mother Nature singing you her lullaby. And the smell.. refreshing in way that makes you feel renewed. And you feel like everything around you has been given a little more life.
It's beautiful.
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