It's June! And my summer is off to an absolutely BEAUTIFUL beginning. It has been so long since the last update, I don't even know where to begin!
I can officially check "Jersey Shore" off my list. It was Memorial Day, and we started at Island State Park. I was just ecstatic to see my old friend, the Atlantic Ocean, again. It's been way too long. No, it wasn't Florida. But a beach is a beach. And it really wasn't tragic. It was rather nice, actually. Crowded. Typical for Memorial Day, I suppose. But yanno what was weird? All of the beach umbrellas. I didn't know that so many people actually used them. Sure, an aunt would occasionally lug one to the beach every now and then, but I thought it was a Filipino thing, because she didn't wanna get dark. But there they were, lining the shore. Maybe I just hadn't noticed them at the beaches at home? I don't think so, but I'll be sure to check this out when I go home in July. I know it's a funny thing to dedicate an entire paragraph to, but it was the strangest sight to me for some reason.
So we peaced out then proceeded to the boardwalk at Seaside Heights. The beach there was overcrowded. Glad we went to Island State first, because I think I would've been miserable otherwise. The boardwalk is awesome for people watching. You just never know what you'll find. It's great.
So that was my Memorial Day in a nutshell. And the next day was, alas, MOVING DAY!
And moving day became a moving fiasco. Things got all mixed up with how was going to move, and even if we were going to move in that day was uncertain. It got a little tricky, but by the end of the day, I was out of Jersey and finally in the city.
I spent the next couple of days trying to get the place together for Lexy's visit, but failed miserably. With the painters, and the whole move in day mix up, it was just not happening. But on the bright side, it day make for an interesting weekend with Lex and Anna who were in town for Belmont .
Toothpicks in burritos, driving literally in circles only to end up at Two Boots for the traditional end of the night pizza, strange brunch experiences, lassoing cowboys named after presidents, Sweetiepie for dinner (great atmosphere, mediocre food btw), wandering to Union Square.. all key descriptions for Belmont weekend, but could all be summed up in a single word, as previously stated: interesting.
WHEW. That's enough for now. More adventures to come, and more frequent posts now that school no longer has me by the ovaries. Summer guide to NYC coming sooooon. Look forward to it.
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