Saturday morning-ish, and I headed to school to get some homework done. NOT in the mood. One, it was gorgeous out. Two, Kelly and her sis, Rachael, were in town for one day and one day only. Unfortunately, there was no way I could omit "go to school and do homework" from my weekend's to-do list. You see, the building was closing extra early that day and wouldn't be open at all on Sunday. (Easter weekend and all that jazz.) My vest for my sewing class was due on Monday at 9 o-freakin'-clock in the morning. So you see my conundrum.
International Pillow Fight Day would officially commence at 3 in Union Square. 2:45. I decided that it was go time, and Kelly and Rachael were on their way as well.
They finally arrived. We did some quick hellos, hugs, and salutations. We grabbed some pillows, looked at each other with wide eyes, shook our heads and shrugged our shoulders and said, "Well, I guess we just.. go." And so we went. We cautiously began to weave our way through the crowd to where all the action was happening.
A hit to the stomach here. A love tap behind the head there. Very playful. Light. Then, "SMACK!" It was onnn.
Wild bangees. You get to this point where you get smacked so many times, you can't figure out where you are and from which direction you were hit. You stop trying to use your pillow as a shield, man up, and just start swingin'.
Contrary to what you may think, pillows freakin' hurt, man. They aren't all feather-filled, light, happy things. They can be vicious. This one guy, we swear just kept whipping his pillow in this one spot, and one of us always managed to get in its way. "Excuse me. Do you have rocks in there?!" Seriously, what in the world was in that pillow?
So you'd think that with all of these pillow fights happening around the world, there'd have to be some sort of cause behind it right? Or maybe someone's trying to break a world record or something? Nope.
What: International Pillow Fight Day
Objective: Fun
That's a good enough excuse for me.
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