Confession: Horoscopes are my guilty pleasure.
Standing in line at the grocery store, I rarely pass on the chance to flip to the back and read the month's predictions. Do I really, truly believe in them? Negative. But I think they're fun. And I'm a curious girl. And what I like even more than seeing the upcoming month's is looking over the one that has already passed, just to see if they have at all fallen in line with what's happened. They're usually a miss. Sometimes they're right on.
Tonight, after laboring in the sewing room, I get home and Google search "Project Runway" to catch up on the latest. (I like the background noise while I work. And FYI: I'm running out of shows to watch, so send recommendations my way.) So I'm eyeballing the page, trying to navigate my way to where I could watch full episodes. Then I spot it. Towards the right side of the page, there it is, practically beaming off the page, begging me to click it. "Astrology". Okay. Ya got me.
I find my sign, and, lacking interest in my daily or weekly horoscope, I select the the "Monthly" button. With April being nearly over, I thought I'd get a kick out of it.
Anyways, I about die over it. I thought I'd share at least the overview, because this one, well, it's pretty on point. And as a bonus, it can totally double as additional insight into my life lately, since I've neglected this little blog of mine and have mostly entered ambiguous and vague posts.
April 2010
Enough with letting your miles-long to-do list overwhelm you. (They are indeed extensive and have become legendary. They are out of control. It's really quite embarrassing.) It’s time to streamline your life and get back onto a healthy, efficient track. The Sun is in Aries until April 20, igniting your sixth house of fitness and well-being. Make time to take eat properly and exercise, no matter how busy you are. (I've been pretty sick this month. Maybe if I read my horoscope earlier this wouldn't have happened.)
We know it’s a challenge because Mars — the ruler of Aries and minor ruler of Scorpio — has been hyper-speeding through Leo, your 10th house of career. Work demands have dominated since mid-March, leaving many Scorpios frazzled and stretched paper-thin. (Hence the terse life updates; the ambiguous and vague posts, as aforementioned.) Mars is here until June, pitching fastballs at you. You can’t run on adrenaline and fumes, Scorpio. Unless you nourish yourself, you won’t have the strength to grab these plum opportunities.
On April 20, the Sun moves into Taurus, your relationship sector. The key to balance: finding reliable people to help carry the load. (Amazing friends: Check) That perfect partner may just be someone you already know. With Mercury retrograde (moving backward) in Taurus from April 18 through May 11, old friends and lovers come out of the woodwork, or you may hunt them down yourself. April ends with a Scorpio full moon on the 28th, a powerful moment that puts you at a crossroads. You’re pulled between your own path and the demands of work or personal relationships. If you haven’t already, this might be the day to declare, “Enough!”
It goes into more detail, but there is such a thing as overkill. You can read the rest, or your own, at your leisure here.
I just couldn't resist.
Follow @jennna_t
I started this blog in January 2010 just as I was moving to NYC to keep my family and friends informed of all of my adventures. Since then, it's become, well, this. So here.. Here are my stories, my thoughts, my rants, my worries, my fears, my hopes and my dreams. Figuring out life as it happens and trying to be the most optimistic person I know. Happy you could join me on my adventure :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Green Light
I know I'm beginning to sound slightly redundant with the "I can't believe it's already (insert month here)!" But, really. I can't believe it's nearly May! MAY, you know?!
It's crunch time. And all I got are finals in sight. Three more weeks and this semester is kaput. Dunzo. Finito. Sounds great, doesn't it? Then I begin to think about all of the work that needs to be done in those three weeks. Yikes. Three. Just three. And after that, only one year to go.
How about that?
It's crunch time. And all I got are finals in sight. Three more weeks and this semester is kaput. Dunzo. Finito. Sounds great, doesn't it? Then I begin to think about all of the work that needs to be done in those three weeks. Yikes. Three. Just three. And after that, only one year to go.
How about that?
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Search is On

Found some room mates and we are apartment hunting! The search just started, but it's looking promising. Fun, but it def requires time and energy, two things we are all lacking. I think this is when time management is supposed to kick into high gear. Just to give you an idea of how well this going, I'd like you to know that at this very second, I should be working on some homework for color theory.
But, what can I say? I like to live life on the edge.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Seasons Change

The gorgeous weather has gotten me in full-on adventure mode. Winter was.. a good experience? Well, it was an experience, alright. But I'm glad that NYC has since gotten over that. It's spring time, and the sun is out and the flowers are in bloom. At home, these would've made for perfect pool and/or beach days. But wandering the streets and days in the park are not bad alternatives.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Light as a Feather.. Pfft
Saturday morning-ish, and I headed to school to get some homework done. NOT in the mood. One, it was gorgeous out. Two, Kelly and her sis, Rachael, were in town for one day and one day only. Unfortunately, there was no way I could omit "go to school and do homework" from my weekend's to-do list. You see, the building was closing extra early that day and wouldn't be open at all on Sunday. (Easter weekend and all that jazz.) My vest for my sewing class was due on Monday at 9 o-freakin'-clock in the morning. So you see my conundrum.
International Pillow Fight Day would officially commence at 3 in Union Square. 2:45. I decided that it was go time, and Kelly and Rachael were on their way as well.
They finally arrived. We did some quick hellos, hugs, and salutations. We grabbed some pillows, looked at each other with wide eyes, shook our heads and shrugged our shoulders and said, "Well, I guess we just.. go." And so we went. We cautiously began to weave our way through the crowd to where all the action was happening.
A hit to the stomach here. A love tap behind the head there. Very playful. Light. Then, "SMACK!" It was onnn.
Wild bangees. You get to this point where you get smacked so many times, you can't figure out where you are and from which direction you were hit. You stop trying to use your pillow as a shield, man up, and just start swingin'.
Contrary to what you may think, pillows freakin' hurt, man. They aren't all feather-filled, light, happy things. They can be vicious. This one guy, we swear just kept whipping his pillow in this one spot, and one of us always managed to get in its way. "Excuse me. Do you have rocks in there?!" Seriously, what in the world was in that pillow?
So you'd think that with all of these pillow fights happening around the world, there'd have to be some sort of cause behind it right? Or maybe someone's trying to break a world record or something? Nope.
What: International Pillow Fight Day
Objective: Fun
That's a good enough excuse for me.
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