No. This isn't my room. Though there are moments when it looks this tragic. But that's neither here nor there. Here's the story:
I went to school today to get some homework done, and I hop on the elevator and there is this girl with boxes and boxes of stuff. In broken English, she tells me in more or less words, that if I wanted any of it that it's on the 7th floor. "Wait, what?" I respond. And the doors open to the 7th floor, and I see students delving into boxes grabbing whatever they could put their paws on. "Oh." And I hop off, becoming completely distracted from what I came to do.
So I scavenged. I have all the zippers I could possibly need for the rest of my life. That, amongst other things; including hooks and eyes in case you ever need some. I stuffed my locker with all of the things I couldn't carry. And believe it or not, my stash was modest compared to the others. At one point, I was literally in that big box, second from the left in the photo, looking for buttons, because hey, I might need them one day. If you look to the right of the photo there are these tall, black cases. One girl filled one of those up and took it home. It was a free for all. It was great.
Where did all of this stuff come from? Phi, a women's designer luxury fashion apparel company, went out of business and sent their remaining supplies to Parsons, all for the taking. And what do you know. Free anything is perfect for the broke college student. It was like when God sent manna from the heavens when the Isrealites needed food in the wilderness.
I like to look at it as being rewarded for going to school on a Friday to do homework.
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