As I may or may not have mentioned, it's been a long week. To make me feel better, I got in touch with one of my friends, Nick, to stunt. So we had this whole arrangement. We'd meet at Penn, where his friend, Rich, would pick us up, then we we'd head to a gym in Brooklyn to stunt. We meet. Rich is running a little late, which is not a problem. We only have all day. Then, he calls and says his car just got hit. So that put a little dent in our plans. (No pun intended.) Nick, who I met while working the Macy's Parade, is not so familiar with this gym in Brooklyn, but we decided to take the train and just cab it the rest of the way. We take the 3, then try to catch the 2, but it was taking much too long. So we head out, look for a taxi or a service car. No luck. Fortunately, I turn around and, how about that. It's the Brooklyn Museum. By this time, I was over stunting, and instead we end up checking out the museum. I felt bad, of course, Nick came from a bit aways away to throw me in the air, and probably didn't enjoy the museum as much as I did. (It was on my list of things to do, so it worked out for me just fine.) Rich eventually came to pick us up. His car is in not so good shape. His window wouldn't even go up. Anyways, we grab dinner in the city at this sweet, little Japanese place and just hang out. And the day turned out to be quite alright.
And the moral of the story is: Everything always turns out fine. And besides, it's NY, so how can you really go wrong?
Oh, and two more things:
(1) The exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum right now is "Who Shot Rock & Roll". It was closed by the time we got there, but if you're down to see it, I'll be taking another trip that way. It's "suggested contributions" too, so that's a bonus.
*Side note: The Brooklyn Botanic Garden should be pretty sweet by spring time.
(2) While waiting for Rich at Borders, I found this deck of cards that I had been completely enamored with since I first spotted it on my first trip to NYC way back when. It's not just any deck of cards, mind you. It's "52 Adventures in New York City". Tell me this isn't absolutely perfect for me. I'm excited.
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