Much to my parents' disappointment, I didn't become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Much to their delight, I am dating one of them now lol Just kidding. Seriously though, their belief that I could be any of the above made me believe I was capable of doing anything at all, as long as I worked hard and did my best.
They were never pushy, but there were pangs of disappointment and moments when I felt like what I was doing still wasn't enough. As an adult I am still learning that precarious balance of striving for more and being satisfied with myself.
Read this article from the Washington Post, and you'll know what I'm talking about.
As an adult I am still learning that precarious balance of striving for more and being satisfied with myself.
Not so sure about the last two paragraphs though. What's so awful about "academic prowess" being coded as an "Asian thing"? Not a bad stereotype, if you ask me.