Friday, April 11, 2014

Don't sit next to me just because I'm Asian

Much to my parents' disappointment, I didn't become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Much to their delight, I am dating one of them now lol Just kidding. Seriously though, their belief that I could be any of the above made me believe I was capable of doing anything at all, as long as I worked hard and did my best.
They were never pushy, but there were pangs of disappointment and moments when I felt like what I was doing still wasn't enough. As an adult I am still learning that precarious balance of striving for more and being satisfied with myself.
Read this article from the Washington Post, and you'll know what I'm talking about.
As an adult I am still learning that precarious balance of striving for more and being satisfied with myself.
Not so sure about the last two paragraphs though. What's so awful about "academic prowess" being coded as an "Asian thing"? Not a bad stereotype, if you ask me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Break Time

I'm ready for a little break. I need to feel the sun on my face and put my toes in the sand. I need to re-group, because lately I haven't felt like myself. I'm tired. Drained. But that's what living up here does to you. You're always on the go, and the weekends go by so quickly, it hardly feels like you had time to rest at all.

It has been a rough, long, relentless winter. A few times, I think my face froze off. Once, I think a million needles stabbed me in the face all at once. Just a week ago, I was still piling on layers, and all I could think was that I've maxed out my used of fleece leggings and oversized sweaters. Seriously, how many times can I wear practically glorified pajamas and deem it socially acceptable?

Bring on the shorts, sundresses, crop tops and flip flops.

I need to feel like myself again. Fast. And I hope Spring will help me get back there until I get my homesick self back to Florida for a dose of family and friends. They're the best things to remind me of who I am.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just Keep Swimming

That thing that you think about all day at work and can't wait to get to; that keeps you up until 1 or 2 in the morning when you have to be up in a few hours...

That is the thing that you should be doing for the rest of your life.

Keep going.